chaalu khaata example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word chaalu khaata usage in english sentences. The examples of chaalu khaata are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., current account.

There are two main accounts in the BoP – the current account and the capital account.

The current account records exports and imports in goods and services and transfer payments.
Adding trade in services and net transfers to the trade balance, we get the current account balance.
The essence of international payments is that just like an individual who spends more than her income must finance the difference by selling assets or by borrowing, a country that has a deficit in its current account (spending more abroad than it receives from sales to the rest of the world) must finance it by selling assets or by borrowing abroad.
Thus, any current account deficit is of necessity financed by a net capital inflow.
Table 1 (given at the end of chapter) shows that there has been a trade deficit throughout the period and a surplus in invisibles except for 1990-9 The current account deficit (which has been observed for 24 years from 1977-78) had started shrinking and turned into surplus from 2001-0 The surplus continued till 2003-04, but turned into a deficit in 2004-0 The large trade deficit could not be bridged by the invisibles surplus.
In April-September 2005-06, the current account deficit of US$13 billion was financed by a capital inflow of US$1 5 billion, the extra capital inflow of US$ 5 billion being added to our stock of foreign exchange.
A country is said to be in balance of payments equilibrium when the sum of its current account and its non-reserve capital account equals zero, so that the current account balance is financed entirely by international lending without reserve movements.
The current account balance is the sum of the balance of merchandise trade, services and net transfers received from the rest of the world.
A current account deficit is financed by net capital flows from the rest of the world, thus by a capital account surplus.
संबंधित शब्द चालु खाता के पर्यायवाची